Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Personally, I love the season of Lent.  A lot of people get really liturgical and that makes me really happy.
Last year during Lent I was at the office of the Oklahoma Annual Conference.  A man from the Oklahoma Indian conference prayed in Cherokee.  I really didn’t know what he said, but at the end of that prayer he said in English, “May the Holy Spirit blow threw you bones as if they were a whistle.”  Or something like that. 

Some of you may know that several years ago I was in a very traumatic car accident.  By very traumatic I mean that everyone walked away.  Everyone except me, I was life flighted from the scene.  My femur was shattered, and walking again became my new challenge.  Every year I celebrate walking again.  However, I still have a medal rod in my femur.  The rod runs from my hip to my knee inside my femur, where people have bone marrow.

The thing about this rod, is that most of the time I cannot feel it, but I know that it is there.   However some times when it rains, or gets super cold outside or even really hot, I can feel that there is a rod in my leg.  When I feel this rod, my behavior changes ever so slightly.  Many people ask me why I am limping, or in some cases people ask why I am walking like a bear.

That rod is like the Holy Spirit.  Always present within me, and impacting my outward behavior.   What do I want my outward behavior to look like now?  I want people to see Christ’s love for them as I allow ministry to flow through me.   

This season of Lent I am hoping for the Holy Spirit to show me light, the way, and love.  I will be doing my part to stay in love with God, I pray that during this season you will be doing your part to stay in love with God.

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